
This blog serves as an information repository for myself, and the information is posted for consumption by the circuit bending community at large. Feel free to use any information gleaned herein for your own bending purposes.

Warning: I make no guarantees of my methods as I know next to nothing about electronics. I will however guarantee that you will end up destroying a toy or two in your circuit bending endeavors and if you do so, it is your own fault.

You can send your questions, tips, news, ideas, et. al. to octatone@gmail.com.

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Latest From CDM

Monday, December 3, 2007

From the Community: Sesame Street Sax

Performance: Glöggerne + Martin Klapper, Live at Transformator, Denmark

From the Community: Toy Keyboard by Åke Strömer

From the Community: Squarewave Synth by $k4 - Red button

More info from $k4 - Red button at http://skabutton.blogspot.com.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

DivShare Test Post

I'm moving my websites from pay per month hosting services as I am heading towards being off the grid for sixth months and will have no time to handle upkeep and filing tickets for outages. So I am testing an audio/video/document host DivShare. So here's a recording of a short ditty set to a patriotic tune.